First post and why?

So... this is "new"...

I've tried blogging before, never really stuck to it. So I figured I'd not blog this time, just jot shit down for my own amusement and maybe, just maybe, something will stick to my old teflon-brain. See I do some server faffing in my spare time and I'm about to start programming again, but I've recently noticed that I tend to just copy/paste a bunch of commands and shit that I find around the interwebs, and that's not ideal. First off, it could be a security risk since I really don't know or care what I paste (I do some filtering of the commands and I do check them somewhat before). Second, and most importantly for me, I'm not learning what I'm doing, I'm just aping.

So I figured if I write down what I do, and try to explain it to someone (you who are reading this), it might stick. And one day I'll be a real computer nerd with a neck-beard and all!